Saturday, May 15, 2010

It's May...

...and I haven't been blogging at all. Obviously. Eric's blog inspired me to post today. I tend to be a copy cat because he blogs and then I realize I haven't blogged in a while so I end up blogging, too. Thank you, honey!

So what's been going on with me? Working, studying, and spending time with my son have been occupying my time. I took the THEA test this morning so that I can go back to school. We'll find out how I did in two weeks. I either did really well or really poorly. I'm hoping its the first one. What's the scariest thing is that I'm surprisingly calm about the fact that I took a major test today. It's not the "I don't care" calm. It's more of the "at peace with it" calm. Being calm is much better than freaking out, don't you think?

Things have been pretty lonely since I let(or more accurately pushed) Eric to leave. Stupid woman! I almost immediately saw the error of my ways and we are happily back together, even if we are 800 miles away from each other. All I have to say is thank God for texts messages. There's no other man that I want to be with and spend the rest of my life with. People say that all the time but I really cannot picture being with anyone else. He's the one I will be growing old with. (I know he's smiling his face off 1)because he loves when I say stuff like this and 2)I'm publically posting it. He's also thinking "about time"). I really came thisclose to letting a good thing slip away. All I have to say is I'm so grateful that he loves me enough to put up with my shit. There's no way to sugar-coat it because that's exactly what he did. If all things work in our favor he and the kids will be moved back down here soon and we'll be a big, happy family. And for all of those wondering what that means, it means rings are exchanged and my name is changed. I can't wait for that day!

How's my writing going you ask? HA! That is a funny question. Did you expect for me to say I've been writing all day like a mad woman? I wish that would've been my answer. It sounds much better than I'm not making time for it. I'm still determined to get published and there is still half the year left so there's still time to submit, at the very least, some short stories and novellas. I can do it. And I know Eric will offer help if I need "inspiration". He's been more inspiring than he realizes.

Anyway, I'm off to get some things done around here that I've been neglecting and then it's Mommy and Nathan Time. YAY!

Happy Reading!

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