Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thursday, yet again...

I'm really not trying to make it a habit to only post on Thursdays, it just happens that way.

Well, I'm feeling a bit of accomplishment at the moment. Wrote an entire scene, give or take a paragraph or two, today and sent it to my CP. That sounds like pretty small potatoes, doesn't it? Well, if you haven't written an entire scene, much less a paragraph, this year it's a big deal. I am working my way up. I know that if I jump into promising myself "You're going to write 2k(which is 10 pages)today" I know I will fall flat on my face. So, I am starting small. Scene by scene.

Emily, my brilliant CP, helped me by holding me accountable. I do need a push every now and then. More like every day.

Maybe since all of my television shows have ended for the season I'll make more time to write this summer. You would think since I have DVR that I would write while they're on and watch them later. You would think.

Speaking of which...Castle was renewed for season two! YAY! I'm glad ABC didn't cancel such a great show. All of my other favorites are coming back, too: House, Bones, and Supernatural. I almost typed Prison Break out of habit but quickly remembered that it's no more.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Not that my Thursday was exciting enough for an exclamation mark but it seemed like a good idea.

Well, since my CP, Emily, is feeling better about writing, I thought I would write about my own good fortune. Nothing spectacular but it's still neat. Last night I had just crawled into bed and was getting all comfy when I shoved off the covers and headed to my office. Why? A part of one of my characters' backstory came to me and I feared I would forget it if I didn't rush to write it down right then. Successfully, it's all written down and ready to be added to the story. We will see how it goes.

Now, it's time to watch the season finale of Bones...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sluggish Mondays

Why do Mondays always drag you down and make you want to stay in bed? Sadly, I could not stay in bed past 6:30 because of a hungry six month old. Who would have guessed that babies have to eat? Other than waking way earlier than I would prefer life with my son is great! I can have a horrible day and it all disappears when he smiles at me.

Apparently, Mondays aren't the only sluggish days for me. Everyday is sluggish where my writing is concerned. I am slowly but surely getting back into it. I'll look at a scene here, write a few lines or character description here. I have yet to find my niche and that bugs me. Maybe one of these days I'll find it. Maybe my Muse Faries can find it for me. For those of you who are unfamilar with muses. Everyone has an idea of what their muse is. Mine are the three faeries for Sleeping Beauty. Why? Because I change stories so often. Think of the scene where they keep changing the color of Aurora's dress. Make sense?

I'm not quite sure how I trailed down the rabbit hole by talking about Sleeping Beauty but if nothing else it will help you get to know me better. That sounds like a good excuse, right? I think so.

Anyway, I am determined to make 2009 "the" year. If nothing else I will submit to an agent and publisher. That's a hefty goal, I think.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Hump Day!

Sorry, for the radio silence lately. I've just been busy and the rest of the week isn't looking to slow down any. Maybe I'll be able to slip in some time to read. Well, considering I have a review due tomorrow I better find time to read.

I had to take my kiddo to the doctor yesterday for his six months shots. Not a fun experience. It kills me everytime he does that heart wrenching cry. All I can do is comfort him, I can't make the pain go away. Good news is he's right on as far as growth goes and we don't have to go back for three months. YAY!

I'm still in a funk as far as writing goes. Within a span of five minutes I had two different scenes pop into my head. Having scenes come to me is a good thing but when they aren't related to the same story it's frustrating. But I'll take scenes anyway I can get them. All I need to do is write them down! What a concept!

Oh and just because I can here's some inspiration for me and everyone else in the form of Nathan Fillion:

P.S. I have to plug Castle which is Nathan Fillion's new show. It's on Mondays at 9pm on ABC. the season finale is the 11th. It's such a great show with some witty dialogue. Let's hope it's picked up for next season.