Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 3

Today was a bust for the most part. It's 8pm and I just started seriously editing chapter 2. I was having a serious A.D.D. day. I couldn't stay focused to save my life. Can't even focus long enough to write more than a few sentences of this blog so what does that tell you?

Maybe tomorrow will be more promising.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 2(or 340 days to go)

Yesterday ended so well! I was very pleased with my chapter and even went on to work chapter two. I got great encouragement from my critique partner, Emily, so I feel like I'm the best writer out there, even if that is far from the truth.

Update as of 7:30pm: I didn't get chapter 2 completely edited but I did a couple of pages in between packing(we're moving in a little more than a week)and laundry and trashing old clothes and junk. I'm still feeling good about the story and really want to know what happens(even though I already know).

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 1 Continued...

Well, I finished editing chapter one so that's something. Yay me!

This morning was a rough considering I was distracted by everything, whether it be the wrong music on my MP3 or watching Mr. Darcy for inspiration. FYI, never try to watch a movie, even if you've seen it fifteen times, to get you inspired to write while you're trying to write.

The afternoon was better since I was actually able to have a readable chapter under my belt.

Day 1

Good morning! That sounded very chipper, didn't it?

This way be kind of silly but I was agonizing over when exactly my year of the good, the bad and the ugly should start. Should I just use the rest of this year and say 340 days to go or start at the good ol' 365? Will those twenty-five extra days really be missed?

Okay, so hear goes:

Day 1: No writing yet. But it's still early and I'm still in my pajamas.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Movies and how they inspire you...

Here I am watching Julie and Julia and wondering what to do with my own blog. I have one, obviously, but what am I doing with it? So far, I've only posted about random things about myself but nothing really substantial. Not saying my life isn't important but I feel like my blog needs a purpose. So what's the purpose going to be you ask? To write about the good, bad and the ugly about being an aspiring writer. There are 341 days left in the year and I intend on blogging every day(or close to it) even if I don't write on my novel. Basically, write about not writing. Ha! But hopefully, I'll be writing about how much I'm writing and how marvelously my manuscript is coming along.

Cross your fingers, toes and eyeballs, I obviously can't or I wouldn't be able to type.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New year, new look, and Jane Austen...

Happy 2010! To start off the new year I decided to change the look of my much neglected blog. Poor blog. Maybe this year I'll give it a bit more attention.

While looking for writing inspiration, I stumbled across a few Jane Austen related websites. and http// Both showed pictures of writing desks and tables that she used to pen her masterpieces, would she want them called masterpieces, and I got teary-eyed. I'm not much of the mushy type but seeing, even in a photograph, where a young woman, like myself, wrote such great stories was inspiring. She wrote, and became published, in a time when it's wasn't popular for women to be authors. So that made me wonder "what's keeping me from doing it in a time where it is acceptable?" My answer? Nothing. The reason for not being published yet? My own laziness. I'm not going to say that my new year's resolution is to take getting published seriously because I always fail miserably at actually achieving my resolutions, so I wont make it a resolution, I'll just make it a promise to myself. Sounds a little less intimidating that way.

Wish me luck!