Thursday, January 7, 2010

New year, new look, and Jane Austen...

Happy 2010! To start off the new year I decided to change the look of my much neglected blog. Poor blog. Maybe this year I'll give it a bit more attention.

While looking for writing inspiration, I stumbled across a few Jane Austen related websites. and http// Both showed pictures of writing desks and tables that she used to pen her masterpieces, would she want them called masterpieces, and I got teary-eyed. I'm not much of the mushy type but seeing, even in a photograph, where a young woman, like myself, wrote such great stories was inspiring. She wrote, and became published, in a time when it's wasn't popular for women to be authors. So that made me wonder "what's keeping me from doing it in a time where it is acceptable?" My answer? Nothing. The reason for not being published yet? My own laziness. I'm not going to say that my new year's resolution is to take getting published seriously because I always fail miserably at actually achieving my resolutions, so I wont make it a resolution, I'll just make it a promise to myself. Sounds a little less intimidating that way.

Wish me luck!

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