Friday, February 12, 2010

Another week of no writing...

...or blogging about not writing. Didn't I say I was going blog even if I didn't write? Apparently, that did not happen.

Things have been crazy considering I'm still job hunting and trying to readjust to living with my parents, with my sweetheart in tow. Two grown adults living with one of those grown adult's parents. Yay.

Without making excuses, because they just sound bad in my ears. I haven't been putting writing high on the priority list. That needs to change. At the very least I need to blog more, to be consistent. Today is all about being consistent thanks to starting my morning with some good ol' Joyce Meyer. (

I've noticed that the only thing I'm consistent about is being inconsistent. Not a good thing. So, I'm looking at pictures of Pemberley(for you non Pride and Prejudice people, Pemberley is Mr. Darcy's breathtaking home) and other Jane Austen things to get my motivated and inspired. How is that I'm not able to be consistent in my writing and urges to write when I have more technology than Jane Austen did, or heck, more than Stephen King did when he started writing. He wrote Carrie on a typewriter(clickity-clack)while balancing it on his lap. Who the heck am I to complain that I don't have quiet? Isn't that why God invented headphones? Let's say I didn't even have a laptop to work from. What happened to good old fashioned paper? Yeah, I know I shouldn't waste paper but it's not like I'm going to write a single word on each piece and call it done. I've actually been toying with the idea of writing more from long hand and then transfering it to the laptop. That blinking cursor can be rather intimidating when it wants to be.

So? What am I going to do? For starters, I'm not going to be hard on myself. Yes, I need to be consistent but I'm not going to beat myself up for not writing 10 pages a day. I know I'm not at that place yet but if the muse fairies decided to help me out with that I would not complain. Some authors talk about their muse. Mine, just for fun, are the three fairies from Sleeping Beauty. Why? Because I change my mind so often on what I want to work on. Seem fitting.

Okay, so after this extremely long blog post, which I think is so long to make up for the fact I haven't blogged in a week, I am going to get back to work. My outline is next to me and I have my headphones firmly placed on my head with Michael Buble crooning in my ears so I have not excuse not to write so here I go...

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